
Byrna Gun: Should I Get One & Will it Protect Me


Top Less Lethal Self-Defense Weapon

Legal in All 50 States

A Byrna gun is a less-lethal, CO2-powered self-defense weapon. It is not a toy. With a simple trigger pull, this handheld launcher shoots projectiles with such force that they dent metal, break glass, and slice through thinner materials (like metal cans and cardboard).

For nearly 40 years, we have been committed to helping those in our community protect themselves and their families. As a gun safe retailer, we believe in safely securing firearms and valuables. We also believe in protecting yourself and your loved ones.

While we still fully support the rights of firearm owners, we also recognize there are instances when some individuals may prefer a Byrna for personal protection.

To help you decide if a Byrna gun is right for you, in this post we’ll offer our honest assessment of the following:

  • I Live in New York. Why Can’t I Buy a Byrna Gun?

Byrna Gun. on a Coffee Table

Should I Get a Byrna Gun?

We’re not here to scare anyone, but crime is a serious concern. Here in the Seattle area, the scars of the 2020 protests and occupation can still be seen throughout the city. In June of 2024, the uptick of thieves targeting older residents with jewelry led police to warn Bellevue residents to be vigilant. And in October of 2024, a man was attacked with a hatchet, suffering severe cuts and bleeding.

These events are only a sampling of local crimes, not to mention throughout the country. Most staggering is that not all crimes are reported. We frequently have customers call after their neighbors were robbed blind, looking for a way to secure their valuables.

A Byrna Gun is a Good Fit If:

  • You are seeking a less-lethal self-defense option.

  • You want a defense tool that can neutralize threats without the risks associated with a firearm.

  • You are uncomfortable with carrying a firearms.

  • You live in an urban area where lethal force may not be ideal or legally complicated.

  • You travel a lot and can’t take your firearm across state lines, but you still want to be protected.

A Byrna Gun is Not a Good Fit If:

  • You want a lethal defense solution.

  • You are in a high-risk profession or environment where lethal force may be necessary.

  • You prefer a traditional firearm for self-defense or have the means and legal right to use a firearm.

Byrna gun in a hip holster

Byrna Guns are Legal in All 50 States

Firearm laws vary from state to state and municipality to municipality. For instance, a firearm that you may legally possess in Utah could earn you jail time in New York. Bryna guns are legal in all 50 states* — giving you the option of an effective personal defense weapon without the same legal risk.

Like many of my friends, I keep a Byrna Launcher close at hand while traveling between states. This gives us an effective personal defense option without the risk of running afoul of states restricted fire alarms laws. Even the justified use of a firearm can result in significant legal and civil liabilities. The Byrna launcher gives us a way to protect ourselves, and our loved ones without that liability or suffering from the emotional stress of using deadly force.
— David A. Ballestrasse Sr.

Will a Byrna Gun Protect Me?

No personal protection device is guaranteed to protect you and your loved ones in the event of an attack. That being said, Byrna guns have been used to stop assailants effectively. Police officers in Hawaii have used Byrna chemical agent projectiles to subdue a high-risk assailant from a distance.

A special forces veteran shared a first-hand account of using a Byrna to save his wife’s life during an attack. Byrna guns have also been used during home robberies to deter criminals.

Byrna Guns Can Disable a Threat Without a Direct Hit

Byrna offers three different self-defense rounds:

  1. Byrna Max Projectiles

  2. Byrna Pepper Projectiles

  3. Byrna Kinetic Projectiles

While the Kinetic Projectile requires a direct hit, just like the bullet of a gun, the Max Projectiles and Pepper Projectiles can disable a threat without a direct hit. Both of these projectiles explode on impact of the surface they hit, even if that’s a nearby object.

When they explode, powerful chemicals are released that can disable an assailant for up to 30 minutes. The Max Projectile has a mix of pepper spray and tear gas. The Pepper Projectiles contain just tear gas. Depending on your state a municipality, different projectiles are permitted.

In Short: If you are looking for a less-lethal self-defense weapon that can be used from a distance, Byrna is the best product we have found.

Byrna gun in a hip holster

5 Byrna Gun FAQs

1. Should I Buy a Black Byrna Gun?

As the saying goes, “Never bring a knife to a gunfight.”

A Byrna gun looks like a gun. It fires like a gun. And it is intended to be carried like a gun. Understandably, most individuals will mistake a Byrna gun for a real firearm. But a Byrna gun is not a firearm. It is a less lethal self-defense weapon.

In the event of an armed robbery — like the woman who was robbed at gunpoint outside of Parkland, WA on September 26, 2024 — a Byrna gun does not provide you the same stopping power as a firearm.

Pulling out a Byrna gun when faced with a firearm could put you in increased danger. For this reason, an orange or tan Byrna launcher is less likely to be mistaken for a firearm and may be the better choice.

Black Byrna Guns are Easier to Conceal

If you want to keep your Byrna gun hidden, black will be less likely to be seen. This can offer an element of surprise that may give you an advantage.

2. Is a Byrna Gun a Replacement for a Pistol?

The short answer is no. A Byrna gun is not a replacement for a pistol. A pistol is a pistol.

The more complicated answer is that a Byrna gun can be a pistol alternative for the right person — as we address above.

3. Are Byrna Guns Legal?

As we stated above, Byrna guns are legal across all 50 states, though some states impose restrictions on the types of ammunition that can be used, such as “pepper” and “tear gas” rounds. Additionally, certain municipalities have specific regulations concerning CO2-powered weapons like Byrna guns.

In Washington State, age is the only restriction for owning a Byrna launcher. According to RCW 9.91.160:

It is unlawful for a person under eighteen years old unless the person is at least fourteen years old and has the permission of a parent or guardian to do so, to purchase or possess a personal protection spray device.

4. I Live in New York City. Why Can’t I Buy a Byrna Gun?

Byrna guns are legal in all 50 states. However, Bryna guns are not legal in all municipalities. To carry a Byrna launcher in the five boroughs of New York City (Manhattan, Brooklyn, the Bronx, Queens, and Staten Island), you must secure an annual license from the police commissioner.

While we cannot ship to the state of New York, it is legal to possess a Byrna gun in New York outside of the five boroughs.

These types of restrictions around air-powered self-defense weapons and ‘pepper’ and ‘tear gas’ ammo apply to certain municipalities. Each customer is responsible for educating themselves about their state and municipality law.

5. Do Byrna Gun Wounds Hurt?

Yes. Wounds hurt. That’s the nature of being injured. If an assailant is struck by a projectile fired from a Byrna gun, it’s going to be far from pleasant. At the very least, being hit with a projectile from a Byrna gun will leave a bruise. In some instances, it may cause further damage.

Those who are exposed to the chemical irritants (pepper spray and tear gas) found within Byrna projectiles will experience pain and burning. These founds burst on impact and release a cloud of gas that can disable an attacker for up to 30 minutes. Exposure to these chemical irritants can cause severe injury, permanent disabilities, and, in rare cases, death.

Which Byrna Launcher Should I Get?

There are two different Byrna guns — the Byrna LE Launcher and the Byrna SD Launcher. The LE is slightly bigger and offers more joules (energy) per shot. The original SD launcher is smaller and comes in three different colors.

Review our complete comparison of the LE Launcher and SD Launcher to determine which one is right for you.

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