
How to Shoot a Byrna Launcher

Top Personal Protection & Home Protection Gifts

What You Need to Know About Firearm Storage in WA...
We’ve received a lot of questions concerning firearm storage and Initiative 1639. While it’s always a topic we’re asked about, there has been increased interest in what this means for gun owners, following the tragic school shooting in Michigan and subsequent involuntary manslaughter charges being brought against the suspect’s parents.
This post is not intended to be legal advice. Please contact your lawyer for any specific legal concerns. All references are linked for your additional research. The following insight is what we have observed and researched ourselves concerning the regal responsibility to properly store your firearm.

Should You Carry Pepper Spray?
As the Seattle-area homicide rate continues to rise and riots keep erupting in the streets, the question of how to protect yourself has become increasingly more important. While personal defense firearms offer some serious stopping power, having a non-lethal option can provide another layer of protection.