
How to Shoot a Byrna Launcher


Byran Launcher Shooting Tips

How to load, fire, and maintain your Byran launcher.

woman shooting a Byrna

Originally Published 11.6.2024 | Updated 3.17.2025

Do you need a less-lethal personal defense solution to protect you and your loved ones? Attacks on the street, home invasions, and city riots have sprung up throughout the United States, including here in the Seattle area. These threats are likely why you’re looking at a Byrna launcher. You may also wonder how you shoot a Byrna launcher and what it’s like to fire one.

As one of the first Byrna dealers on the West Coast, our team has been busy testing these personal defense launchers. We’ve fired hundreds of rounds at the range in our Enumclaw showroom and performed more than a dozen outdoor target tests.

To help you better understand how to load, maintain, and fire a Byrna launcher, we put together this shooting guide.

NOTE: Before you get started, make sure the safety is on. The Byrna launcher safety should always be on until you are ready to aim and fire. While you can pull the trigger with the safety on, the CO2 cartridge will not pierce, and the device will not release any projectiles.

Loading Your Byrna Launcher

There are two different Byrna magazines:

You insert both magazines into the launcher in the same way.

Replacing the CO2 Cartridge

unscrewing C02 Cartridge

Always use the appropriate 8-gram CO2 cartridge (SD compatible) or 12-gram CO2 cartridge (LE compatible). Remove the endcap on the front of the Byrna, using the HEX head on the magazine base plate, as necessary.

Insert the CO2 cartridge end first, replacing the end cap. Screw the end cap back into place using the hex head on the magazine. Once you feel resistance, continue turning the end cap another quarter turn.

Loading the Magazine

spring catch

Byrna launcher projectiles (aka balls) are first manually loaded into your Byran magazine. Each Bryna magazine is designed with a spring catch on top to hold the balls in place and an orange follower, which shows how many balls have been loaded.

If you hit the spring-loaded ball retainer while loading the magazine, the impact will eject the balls into the air and cause them to roll away. The best way to prevent this is to load the magazine with the spring catch facing away from you.

Seating the Magazine

inserting magazine into the launcher

Inserting the magazine into the Byrna launcher is relatively straightforward. Place the magazine into the launcher and press with the heel of your hand until it clicks.

The only potentially tricky part is that you want to make sure the magazine doesn’t catch on the side of the launcher while you’re inserting it. Unlike a traditional firearm, if you hit the spring catch at the top of the magazine, it will release the balls, and you will have to reload the magazine.

Breach Indicator

NOTE: There is a breech indicator on the top of each launcher. When there is a ball loaded into the launcher, the breech indicator will be raised. The breech indicator can also be used to eject the last chambered ball when the magazine is ejected.

Firing Your Byrna Launcher

Pulling the Trigger on Your Byrna Launcher

pulling the trigger on a Byrna

The trigger pull on a Byrna launcher is slightly different than that of a firearm, in that you meet some resistance as soon as you start pulling the trigger. You’ll want to keep pulling the trigger until you hit the sear breaking point.

The breaking point will be nearly at the rear of the trigger pull, at which point the launcher will fire.

NOTE: Remember that you can pull the trigger on your launcher whether the safety is on or off. But, the launcher will only fire if the safety is off.

Aiming Your Byrna Launcher

Byrna launcher sights

The sights on a Byrna launcher work just like a firearm. You want to pin your center dot on the target while aligning it at the center of your two rear sights.

Recoil on a traditional firearm can be substantial and requires you to resight the weapon for each trigger pull for maximum accuracy. Byrna launchers have next to no recoil. This nearly imperceptible movement allows for faster sight acquisition after each shot.

Maintaining Your Byran Launcher

Replace CO2 Cartridge After Use

One of the unique things about Byran launchers is that they can be stored in a loaded and ready-to-use state for nearly an indefinite time—until they are used. Why? Because the CO2 cartridge is not perforated until the first trigger pull.

Once the cartridge has been perforated, the CO2 will begin to leak out until the cartridge is empty. In our experience, the cartridge empties in roughly 24 hours, losing its effectiveness as time progresses.

NOTE: Thanks to Byrna’s pull-pierce technology, the first shot fired with a new CO2 cartridge will have the highest velocity, offering the most stopping power.

Only Leave Byrna Kinetic Projectiles or Byrna Max Projectiles Loaded

When storing your Byrna launcher for personal defense, it should be loaded with Byrna Kinetic Projectiles or Byrna Max Projectiles. These projectiles are specifically designed for self-defense and are designed to have nearly an indefinite shelf life — so they can be stored within your Byrna without fear of degradation.

Don’t Leave ECO Rounds in Your Launcher

The Byrna Eco-Kinetic Projectiles are designed for training purposes. They are slightly less expensive than the Kinetic Projectiles and are designed to dissolve in water. If left in your launcher after a practice session, it is possible that it could break down, causing the residue to interfere with your launcher’s functionality. So just pop any extra babies out and save them for another training session.

Cleaning Your Launcher

While Byrna launchers are relatively low maintenance, they do need to be cleaned from time to time. How frequently is dependent on how much use your launcher is getting. For example, if you’re putting in more training sessions to get as familiar as possible with your launcher, you may need to clean it more frequently.

To clean your launcher, use the Byrna Oiler Kit. Start by running the nylon wired loop brush down the barrel. Then, add 3-4 drops of the mineral lubricating oil.

Finally, run a few rounds through the launcher to disperse the oil. (Complete oiling instructions can be found in the user manual.)

Learn More About the Byrna Launchers?

Need to learn more about the Byrna launchers and which Byrna product is right for you? We have a helpful comparison page that offers a side-by-side view of the Byrna SD Launcher and the Byrna LE Launcher.

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