
Why Buy Local vs a Costco Gun Safe? | Northwest Safe

Why Buy Local vs a Costco Gun Safe?

Jeff Snope
There’s a lot to be said for bulk discount stores. We like our supersized bag of potato chips as much as the next American. But when you’re making an investment purchase, it’s important to do your research and not just buy the first budget safe you see. 
Gun Safes
Best USA Made Alternatives to Liberty’s Discontinued Safes | Northwest Safe

Best USA Made Alternatives to Liberty’s Discontinued Safes

Mikaela Judd
Gun Safes
What to Consider When Shopping for a Closet Gun Safe | Northwest Safe

What to Consider When Shopping for a Closet Gun Safe

Cristian Serrano
Where to install a home safe is a controversial topic. Many folks are against installing gun safes in locations such as the garage or the closet in the master bedroom. However, we’re of the belief that there’s no wrong place to install a gun safe as long as you’re aware of your choices and take the appropriate steps for proper installation.
Gun Safes
History of the Gun Safe Industry | Northwest Safe

History of the Gun Safe Industry

Mikaela Judd
Gun safes are as American as Thanksgiving turkey and football. They arose in popularity as pioneers conquered the wild west with colt steel on their hip and a need to stash their gold. But the origins of this USA icon can be traced to more distant shores. As it’s said, America’s the best kind of melting pot.
Gun Safes
How to Organize a Gun Safe | Northwest Safe

How to Organize a Gun Safe

Kael Johnson
Storage space is consistently one of the biggest concerns we hear from customers. Without fail, buying too small is the most common regret we hear. While we can’t magically make your safe bigger, we can help you maximize the space you have. 
Gun Safe Accessories
The Best Way to Store an AR-15 | Northwest Safe

The Best Way to Store an AR-15

David Ballestrasse
The AR-15 is arguably one of the most popular guns right now. Whether you just bought or built a new one, you’re likely thinking — how do I store it? How do I care for it? Ripping through a few boxes at the gun range and then sliding it into the closet isn’t going to cut it. 
Gun Safes
Gun Safe Prices Predicted to Keep Increasing | Northwest Safe

Gun Safe Prices Predicted to Keep Increasing

David Ballestrasse
Like with many manufacturing industries, the gun safe industry is seeing a substantial spike in expenses — ultimately resulting in a price increase. At the retail level, our costs have already gone up — even for orders that we’d already placed with manufacturers.
Gun Safes
Liberty Increases Gun Safe Fire Ratings | Northwest Safe

Liberty Increases Gun Safe Fire Ratings

David Ballestrasse
Liberty Safe Company has announced to retailers that the fire ratings of select gun safes have been increased. This information has yet to be updated on Liberty’s website. But as new shipments have arrived at our Enumclaw warehouse, we’ve seen stronger fire packages on several models. 
Gun Safes
Holiday Gift Guide for Conservatives | Northwest Safe

Holiday Gift Guide for Conservatives

Mikaela Judd
Gun Safes